freediver under water holding a huge California Spiny Lobster in one hand, a lobster gauge in one hand and a MutinyDiveCo CA Lobster Bag.
Super rad spearfisher Brooke Bass sittng on the side of a R.I.B. holding her fresh harvest of yellow tail! she's also holding the blue water floatline by Dark Waters Dive Co.
kevin stuffing a good sized CA spiny lobster into his MutinyDiveCo Booty Bag. hes under water wearing a green wetsuit. he is also freediving at night.
Kapano holding a limit of CA Spiny Lobster in his CA Lobster Bag. He is wearing a black and white MutinyDiveCo pull-over hoodie.




@midhandle @brookebasse @kdubthekid @hawaiianspearo

round black and white MutinyDiveCo logo with a lobster over an anchor with a rope border.

go overboard

Go out and get yours. 

Whether it's bugs, fish, or life

go get it!